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What women want, status/personal success

presenting in a business: what women want  What women want – status and professional success

What does she  want, like everything else, is first of all a matter of type. There is no one plan for life that all women pursue; each have different priorities. But one thing is certain: every woman has her own goals that she wants to achieve and is working towards. Contrary to what most men may think, professional success is a goal of many women. Every woman and man has talents they wish to utilize in their work. They wish to achieve something with their skills they have learned. In addition, their own status naturally plays an important role.

In this article you can read what success at work means for women and why status is, nowadays, linked to lifestyle. We’ll also tell you what women expect from men in this respect. So be curious!

Status in jobs that men usually do  What women want – for themselves

First, let’s take a look at how professional success and achieving a certain status is important to women in their own lives.

 Career, here I come!

Being successful, getting recognition and feeling that you can achieve and make a difference yourself is an incredibly great feeling. This is exactly the feeling associated with career success. Most women – just like many men – want to achieve something in their lives professionally. One dreams of becoming the best lawyer, another wants to run her own business. Whatever it is, women have professional goals. In this regard, it is important to many to use their own work to advance the company in which they work and to feel that they are doing so.

In addition, women want to be in control of their own careers. They know where they want to go and can realize their goals. Although men and women work in the same professions, it’s no secret that women still tend to be paid less than their male counterparts. Every year, Equal Pay Day draws attention to this fact. The international day of action takes place on the day until which women would, in purely mathematical terms, work unpaid due to the gender pay gap, whereas men are paid from the first day of the year. So the earlier the date, the smaller the gender pay gap. The day is dated on different days in different countries. This year, for example, it was celebrated in Germany on March 10th, in the USA on March 24th and in Switzerland on February 20th.

Research is in the office  Self-realization – what women want

Some women turn their vocation into a profession. They want to vision themselves in the job and live out and promote their own talents in the best possible way. This gives work a completely different meaning than just earning a living. However, not all women have this expectation of their job. What is most important to them is that they see a purpose in their work. Because this is very fulfilling and makes women satisfied.

Gaining status and respect in the work place  Status and lifestyle

To talk about how important status is to women, let’s first clarify what status means. It stands for education, income and professional standing. In general, women value having a certain status. However, it depends on the woman how high the status is based on her priority list in life. Status is also always associated with a kind of lifestyle. For example, those who are very successful in their jobs can usually enjoy a high income and afford an upscale lifestyle. And don’t we all dream of a life of luxury? Experiencing an exquisite lifestyle is definitely the dream of numerous women. They dream of exquisite experiences and simply having a good time and enjoying life. That is only possible when you or your partner have reached a certain status.

what women want from men What women want – in men

What do women find attractive in men when it comes to career and status?

Many women find education and professional success extremely attractive in men. As we saw above, education and success at work are both part of status. So status makes you attractive. When a man has success at work, it shows that he is independent and self-reliant, because he has achieved something on his own. These are also qualities that women like in men. Of course, status and professional success are not everything: caring, gentlemanly behavior, openness, the right sense of humor and the same values in life are at least as important when it comes to whether a woman finds a man attractive. And these are just some of the qualities that women value.


So, what do they want? Professional success and status plays a role, as we have now learned. This is true both in their own lives and with the men they want to be with. Nevertheless, let it be said that career alone is not everything and will not make any woman happy. Here the so well-known work-life balance is key. Women want to enjoy their lives. They have other dreams and goals besides realizing their talents through work. Some women want to take a trip around the world, see exotic places and travel to the farthest countries. They might dream of finding the man for life, with whom they would like to experience everything together. Women are individual and unique and so what women want is also individually different.